The Beautiful Question with Scott Lennox
Inspiring people to fully engage with life from the wholeness within them.
Founder and host of The Beautiful Question, Scott Lennox is a licensed counselor in private practice, providing tele-counseling for people in Texas. He is passionate about helping people find the best within themselves. His poetry and other writing are often featured in these podcasts.
On the Back Side of the Storm
As you look, listen, and feel within yourself, what do you discover to be the most effective place to keep your focus during this season of powerful change and possibility?
Feeling our Thinking
When you stop to listen to yourself, what
thoughts are producing your emotions?
Summer Magic
What specific things can you do to allow yourself to be where and as you want to be in the midst of the chaos of the pandemic?
No Permission Needed
Without apology and without editing or holding back, what do you know to be true about your most essential self—what do you know about the things in you that never change?
Lessons from a Feather and a Teacup
Are you ready to release some of your preconceptions today, or at the very least, are you willing to consider them for what they are?
Worth Spreading
What, if anything, are you doing to block yourself from being a little kinder or from accepting the kindness of others?
What is Personal Authenticity?
In what specific ways might you slow down and engage with yourself as openly and authentically as you would engage with someone you love or care about?
He Kept His Word
If you’re willing to make a singular promise to yourself during this time of uncertainty and sweeping changes, what will it be and how will you keep it in place?
Get Closer
What will happen when you “get closer” to yourself and to the things that really matter in your life and in your day?