Self Honoring
In real terms, what would it mean to become intentional about honoring yourself and the life you’re living? Putting that another way, in measurable or observable ways, what would have to happen to put self-care at the top of your list and keep it there?
Sorting and Sifting
What are your external and internal visions for yourself as you move forward, and what simple changes will help you bring that vision into reality?
Because healing and rebalancing are normal and natural for us, what thoughts are habits are keeping it from happening, and what elegantly simple things would help encourage it?
Showers of Blessings
What blessings, large or small, have you experience and what impact have they had on your life?
Remembering Ourselves
When was the last time you stopped to pay attention to the most innocent and authentic part of yourself?
What might you do this week to remove some of the obstacles you’ve placed in your own way and live more authentically?
She Opened Like a Flower
What will happen when you choose to ignore every label that has ever been imposed on you, and what will happen when you refuse to label yourself or others?
Choosing to Stay Open
Regardless of where you got it, what is the main thought or idea or belief that is guiding or controlling your life right now?
The Promise of New Life
Whatever is taking place in your life right now, are you willing to intentionally notice life emerging wherever and however it does?