The Beautiful Question with Scott Lennox
Inspiring people to fully engage with life from the wholeness within them.
Founder and host of The Beautiful Question, Scott Lennox is a licensed counselor in private practice, providing tele-counseling for people in Texas. He is passionate about helping people find the best within themselves. His poetry and other writing are often featured in these podcasts.
Playful and Free
What doors will you open within yourself and how much more fluidly will you respond to your life as you allow yourself the freedom of being more playful and spontaneous?
Like That?
How many “important” things are you dealing with right now, and what will happen when you focus on accomplishing them one-at-a-time?
Another Blessing For You
If you were going to offer a blessing to someone, who would it be and what would you write or say to them?
On the Nature of Light
When you allow yourself to become intentional enough to spend time standing in your own light, what positive changes do you notice?
Rethinking Hope
Are you willing to allow your circumstances to dictate your feelings of hope and your options and the way you live your life, or will you create your own options by reaching inside for the hope that is always in you?
In My Other Voice
Whether it’s poetry or something entirely different, what things inspire you and speak to your heart?
Still Standing Part 2: Staying Focused
Regardless of what we’re facing or the magnitude of it, what is it within us that enables us to focus our energies and keep going?
Still Standing
Having lived through all you have suffered or endured or survived, what do you know to be true about most essential self?
The Balance of Push and Pull
In what healthy ways might you step back and “let go” for a while before you choose your next right action, even if that “action” is to do nothing more than remain calm and still inside?