The Beautiful Question with Scott Lennox
Inspiring people to fully engage with life from the wholeness within them.
Founder and host of The Beautiful Question, Scott Lennox is a licensed counselor in private practice, providing tele-counseling for people in Texas. He is passionate about helping people find the best within themselves. His poetry and other writing are often featured in these podcasts.
Stepping Into Freedom
If I were to get to know you over time—the real you—the essential you—the authentic and unfettered you—the you that knows no imposed limits—what do you know and what would I discover about you that no one else knows?
Reflections On Two Hundred Episodes
If I were to get to know you over time—the real you—what would I discover that no one else knows?
Be Where Your Hands Are
What changes will take place each time you allow yourself to return to the present and “Be where your hands are?”
Grateful For Each Lesson
Grateful For Each Lesson[ theme music & intro ] It’s been said that better questions lead us naturally to better answers, and that it’s in not knowing that we open the doorway to knowing. I’m Scott Lennox and you’re listening to The...
Time for Story Telling
What stories are you carrying that are waiting to be told, and when, how, and to whom will you tell them?
Riding the Currents of Change
When you sit quietly enough to really hear yourself, in what ways has the past year change or affected the ways you think, feel, and behave, and what intentional adjustments would help you think more clearly, feel better, and gain the social support you need?
Releasing Judgment
What will most likely change in us when we stop accepting the direct or indirect judgments of others?
An Inner Order
If you were to consciously recognize the miraculous nature of existence, how would you treat yourself and how would you treat those around you?
From My Heart To Yours
What prayers or blessings do you offer to yourself? And what prayers or blessings do you offer to others?