The Beautiful Question with Scott Lennox
Inspiring people to fully engage with life from the wholeness within them.
Founder and host of The Beautiful Question, Scott Lennox is a licensed counselor in private practice, providing tele-counseling for people in Texas. He is passionate about helping people find the best within themselves. His poetry and other writing are often featured in these podcasts.
What Now?
What things can you do today that will freshen, brighten, or enrich your everyday experience?
Grateful For The Challenges
In what ways will you allow yourself to remember and express your gratitude for the things you have survived?
Freshly Brewed
What things can you do to allow yourself to savor the best of each day?
Until We Write It
If you were to write and put into place one statement to guide you through the new year—one statement that resonates deeply within you and helps you build the year you want—what would that statement be?
I Hear You
Are you willing to let these words sink in so deeply that you feel the love that is behind them?
What Are You Dreaming?
: If you were going to dream a healthier life for yourself, what would be happening in that dream and what steps would take you there?
Our Unfolding Path
Along the way, what unexpected, good things have come from some of your struggles or challenges?
Playfully Alive
Playfully Alive[ theme music rises ] It’s been said that better questions lead us naturally to better answers, and that it’s in not knowing that we open the doorway to knowing. I’m Scott Lennox and you’re listening to The Beautiful Question, a...
Born To Live Expansively
Is there one particular idea that has been restricting you or holding you back?