The Beautiful Question with Scott Lennox

Inspiring people to fully engage with life from the wholeness within them.

Founder and host of The Beautiful Question, Scott Lennox is a licensed counselor in private practice, providing tele-counseling for people in Texas. He is passionate about helping people find the best within themselves. His poetry and other writing are often featured in these podcasts.

Still In Awe

Still In Awe

What things inspire you or bring you to a sense of awe, and what happens when you experience it?

Easing Into The New Year

Easing Into The New Year

What is your vision of yourself in the new year? From within yourself, what changes will you make to bring your vision into reality?

The Foundation of Happiness

The Foundation of Happiness

Whether you start slowly and gradually or dive in headfirst, are you ready to begin blessing your own life with the simple and profound gift of uninterrupted gratitude?

Writing Our Own Manual

Writing Our Own Manual

As you begin to write or revise your personal “owner operator’s manual” for living your best life right now, what comes first?

Focused Time

Focused Time

Whether you’re working or taking a break or having a conversation or doing something else entirely, what things typically distract you and take you out of the moment?

Through the Eyes of Wonder

Through the Eyes of Wonder

When was the last time you stopped to drink in the wonder of the sunrise or the sunset, or the look in someone’s eyes, or the awesome miracle of your own existence?

Hope is an Inside-Out Matter

Hope is an Inside-Out Matter

Can you remember a time when things seemed overwhelming or hopeless and yet, you were able to keep going, and what was it within you that made forward movement possible?

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