We Don’t Have To Try
If you were to live in the most natural and healthy ways, what would you change first?
Separating Fact from Feelings
Separating Fact from Feelings[ theme music rises ] (Lose the Net by Rasmus Faber Courtesy of Epidemic Music) Isn’t it amazing how good questions lead us naturally to good answers, and how beautiful questions lead to even better answers! When we...
Resting In The Shade
Can you think of a physical place where you have been safe and relaxed by yourself?
You Are Not Who You Think You Are
Are you willing to open yourself to the possibility that you are far more capable and valuable and beautiful than you have told yourself?
No More Compromises
Are you willing to write down the top ten priorities in your life and list them in order of importance? (And by the way, what are your top three?)
Finding Our Way
How have you found your way in the past that revealed a deeper awareness than your conscious thinking mind?
Be The Stillpoint
What drama have you been drawn into in the past (or perhaps now), and how did you react to it?
Contaminated Time
What unnecessary things have you regularly been doing that contaminate or overlap your daily moments, robbing you of time you could have spent more mindfully?
A Healthy Step Back
How long has it been since you allowed yourself to slow down long enough to tune into what you need?