The Beautiful Question with Scott Lennox
Inspiring people to fully engage with life from the wholeness within them.
Founder and host of The Beautiful Question, Scott Lennox is a licensed counselor in private practice, providing tele-counseling for people in Texas. He is passionate about helping people find the best within themselves. His poetry and other writing are often featured in these podcasts.
A Blessing for You
If you were to write a blessing to yourself that you would read every day, a blessing that would lift and inspire you, what grace and wisdom and hope would you offer?
Fully Alive
In what ways can you bring kindness, ferocity, and sensibility to your decision to be vitally present— your decision to be fully alive right now?
Toward the Common Good
If you were to choose one intention, one elegant decision that helps you lean into the greater good, one action or set of actions that have at least the potential to create a bit of heaven right where you are, what will it be, and how and when will you put it into place?
Starting Over
As the author and editor and publisher of your own daily life script, what new guiding principles can you put into place that will help you live more effectively and in more balanced ways?
What Will It Take?
What will it take to end years of generational thinking and behavior so that we individually and collectively free ourselves to create something vital—something that serves each of us as human beings and also serves all of us as a culture?
The Promise
What shifts in your thinking and behavior have you noticed during the past few weeks, and what specific things can you do to bring them back where you want them?
In The Moment Exactly As It Is
What is our best response to life in those moments when we are feeling uninspired or overwhelmed?
Laughing with What Is
In this time of tremendous global and personal
change, what is gentlest way to face what is happening in us and around us?
The Sourdough Starter
What traditions have been shared with you that you can pass along as a way of nourishing your shared human family?