An Invitation To Letting Go

Photo: Scott Lennox
I’m Scott Lennox, and you’re listening to a special edition of The Beautiful Question. This week, for reasons that will become apparent in a few moments, I’ll ask the relevant question at the beginning of the podcast instead of at the end. The question is, “Are you ready to let go of the tension you’ve been holding as you reconnect with your Highest Inner Self?”
During the past few months, several subscribers have asked that I create a new guided relaxation audio. With all that’s happening in the world right now, I can’t think of a more fitting time to let go and lean into our Higher Selves. I sometimes wonder if that’s what Abraham Lincoln was referring to in his first inaugural address when he called on “the better angels of our nature?”
So, this week, I offer you a gentle way to let go as you release the things you no longer need to carry and welcome into your life what is good and right and healthy and self-restoring.
You’re about to give yourself the remarkable gift of coming fully home to yourself with no pressure, no urgency, and no demand. It’s good to know that there is no way to do it wrong. Your way is the right way.
It will be most effective to listen to this at a time and in a place where you’ll be free of distractions or interruptions. We’ll take our time. We’re not in a hurry.
[ brief pause ]
[ “Letting Go of the Day” by Hanna Lindgren courtesy of Epidemic Music ]
It might be interesting to begin by imagining that you’re in the Loving Presence of your Highest Inner Self—that part of you that is always patient and wise and compassionate, the part of you that is fully present without a trace of judgment. Your Highest Self is that part of you that is fiercely protective of you and yet, so very gentle, the part of you that is connected to all of life without even trying, the part of you that is completely whole and always in touch with itself.
You don’t have try and to figure it out. Without straining at all, just imagine it. Besides, something deep within you already knows how and is always in touch with it.
Sitting or lying down in a comfortable place, take a few moments to allow yourself to sink into whatever it is that’s holding you. Isn’t it good to know that for as long as you like, you don’t have to hold on?
[ brief pause ]
As you begin to settle, notice your breathing naturally slowing down. You don’t have to struggle to make it happen. Just focus on the long, slow breath out more than the breath in. The outbreath is the releasing breath. The inbreath will happen on its own. And as you slow down, notice what it feels like to allow your physical tension to drain away, just like that.
And how marvelous it is to know that you’re completely safe and that you can rest for as long as you like while your Higher Self watches over you and gives you everything you need in this moment—everything.
Gently becoming aware of that, you’re already successful.
[ brief pause ]
As I talk you through these easy steps for deeply letting go, bring yourself back to your slow and relaxed breath, again and again, knowing that you are safely in control of yourself. You only need to listen and notice what you notice without judgment or demand or any sense of urgency.
Starting at your feet and ankles, and moving gradually toward your head, you’ll allow your body to let go of tension, little by little, more and more, until you are very deeply relaxed and fully conscious and gently in control of yourself, all at the same time.
And along the way, if you notice tension or discomfort or tightness anywhere in you, you’re perfectly free to allow it to completely drain away. You’ll see.
[ brief pause ]
So, take your awareness down to your feet and ankles, and if you notice that you’re holding any tension there, without even knowing how, you can release it and allow it to drain away, through your ankles, through your feet, and right out the ends of your toes. Just like that.
You don’t have to know how. Just follow my voice and imagine. It really is that simple and easy.
[ brief pause ]
Now, as you continue breathing slowly and deeply, all the way down to the bottom of your belly, bring your awareness up to your calves and knees. Once again, just notice what you notice, without attachment, without self-judgment. Your Higher Self knows exactly what to do and is helping you right now.
So, if you become aware of any tension there in your calves and knees, you can allow it to loosen and soften, and allow it to drain away. Down through your knees and calves, through your ankles and feet, and once again, right out the ends of your toes. Just like that.
Let it all drain away and spill into the earth. It doesn’t belong to you. In fact, it never did.
[ brief pause ]
And now, as you continue to settle even more deeply, allowing your slow and easy breath to help you, bring your awareness up into your thighs—strong bones and muscles that have carried you all through the day.
Yet right now, there’s nothing you need to carry. There’s no load you must lift, no burden you must bear. There is no place you need to go and nothing more important than what you’re doing right now and right here as you give this marvelous gift to yourself.
And so, if you notice tension there in your thighs, you’re perfectly free to allow it loosen, allow it to let go, and allow it to drain away and leave with no force or pressure at all. Imagine it flowing down through your legs and out the ends of your toes, leaving you more and more relaxed as your Higher Self safely holds you and protects you.
That’s right. Let it go. Let every bit of it go.
[ brief pause ]
And as you continue breathing slowly and deeply, now bring your awareness up into your hips and seat, noticing what you notice without stopping to think about it or analyze it. Just notice. And if you find yourself holding tension there in your hips and seat, you can allow that, too, to soften and let go. Allow it to drain away, leaving you even more relaxed.
Let any tension you’ve been holding there in your hips and seat drain down through your legs and out the ends of your toes, spilling into the earth beneath you. You don’t need to hold any of it anymore. You never did.
[ brief pause ]
And now, as a warm and gentle light washes through you and over you, and your Luminous Higher Self continues to embrace you exactly as you are, bring your awareness up into your belly and your low back. We often carry so much tension there. But right now, without even knowing how, you’re free to allow those knots and tangles of tension to loosen and soften, allow them to let go, and allow them to leave. Just like that.
And as you feel all of it draining away, notice the feelings of release and relief that come to you from the inside out. This letting go and restoring is your birthright. It’s your natural balanced state. You’ll know it by the peace and calm and clarity it brings you.
[ brief pause ]
Now, allowing yourself to breathe even more slowly and deeply than before, bring your awareness up into your chest, your back, and all along your sides. And as you do, become aware that any tension you’ve been holding there is unwinding and uncoiling and falling away from you. Just like that.
And as it does, notice that it’s even easier to breathe. And notice what it’s like to feel lighter and easier and less restricted. How wonderful is that!
[ brief pause ]
Now, gently taking your focus down to your hands and wrists, become aware of the tension you’ve been holding there. And once again, you can allow that tension to loosen and soften. You can allow it to let go. And you can allow it to drain away and leave.
Through your wrists, through your hands, and right out the tips of your fingers and thumbs. Let it fall away from you, drop by drop, and let it spill into the earth, which has been waiting to take it away and transform it into something useful.
[ brief pause ]
As that happens, gently bring your awareness now up to your forearms and elbows. Once again, simply noticing what you notice, without judgment or attachment. And as you become aware of the tension you’ve been holding there in your forearms and elbows, without forcing or even trying, you’re free to allow all of it to let go and drain away.
Down through your arms, through your wrists and hands, and once again, right out the ends of your fingers and thumbs. How marvelous to give yourself the gift of such complete release.
[ brief pause ]
And as that all drains away, quietly bring your awareness up to your shoulders and your upper arms—like a yoke for carrying a heavy burden. But once again, here in the safety and support of your Highest Self, there is no burden you must bear and no load you must lift. You’re perfectly free of that.
And so once again, without even trying, allow all of the tension in your upper arms and shoulders to let go—on its own—and allow it to drain down through your arms, through your wrists and hands, and right out the ends of your fingers and thumbs.
Let all of it spill into the earth beneath you.
That’s right. Let it go, and let it go, and very gently, let it go. And as you do, notice, yourself becoming lighter and lighter. Completely free. Completely at home with yourself. And completely in control of yourself. Just like that.
[ brief pause ]
Now, bring your awareness to your neck and throat, and to the back of your neck and the back of your head. And as you do, you can feel the tension there unwrap and uncoil and unwind, leaving you more and more relaxed.
And once again, as that tension falls away, imagine it sinking into the earth beneath you. It’s so easy.
[ brief pause ]
Now gently bring your awareness to the top of your head, to the sides of your head and to the muscles of your face. Across your forehead. Around your eyes and behind them. Across your cheeks. Around your nose and mouth. Around your chin and beneath it.
The entire mask of your head and face. Just notice it. And as you choose to do it, and as you breathe through it, allow the mask to become so soft and so loose that it falls away from you.
Leaving just you—your luminous, radiant, incandescent Self.
Perfectly safe. Perfectly supported. Perfectly calm and at peace. Healing and restoring from head to toe, from the inside out.
[ brief pause ]
And now, as you breath slowly and deeply, here in the sanctuary of your Highest Self, connected with all of life yet not attached to it, you’re free to settle as deeply as you wish.
I’ll count us down very slowly from where we are here the top at five to the bottom at one. We’ll take our time as you simply imagine stepping down or drifting down or floating down, one easy step at a time. And with each step down, you can let go more and even more.
When we reach the bottom, you’ll be in the ideal place to let go of everything that isn’t yours. And you’ll be open to receiving everything that is good.
Again, we’ll take our time. There’s no hurry. There’s no urgency at all. And when you get to the deepest place of relaxation, you’re free to stay as long as you like, as long as you need, returning only when you’re ready.
So, breathe slowly and deeply, taking your time as you collect yourself gently at the top at five. Just imagine it.
[ brief pause ]
Letting go more and more as you step down to four. That’s right. Take your time.
[ brief pause ]
More and more relaxed as you descend to three. There is no need to hurry.
[ brief pause ]
Deeply letting go and more deeply relaxed at two. That’s right.
[ brief pause ]
And completely relaxed, and completely letting go, at One.
[ brief pause ]
And here at the bottom, where you’re completely safe and in the luminous presence of your Highest Self—your wise compassionate witness and guide, you are free to rest. Free to restore from the inside out, and you are free, if that is your desire, to fall very deeply asleep.
When the time is just right for you, you’ll know the way back. And when you return, notice what inner gifts you’ve brought with you.
For now, your only focus is to let go into the Oneness you quietly share with your Highest Self. Take all the time you want and all the time you need.
And thank you. Thank you for taking this healing journey with me. And thank you for sharing your Light with my Light.